Mindfulsex - Pleasure Lab - Blogs – PLEASURE LAB LUBES


Savor every moment of your intimacy. Get out of your routine of stress and information overload and live your sexual practice truly connected. This is the premise of Mindful Sex, which seeks to connect mindfulness practices with sex.

And it is true that we live in a world full of news and notifications that keep us informed about world events. Although this may well be a point in favor of technology, it constantly causes us stress, anxiety and distractions, affecting our physical and emotional health and even our libido. Additionally, we are living our sexual connection and satisfaction more through screens with sexting, porn and apps than using our body.

This problem not only affects our sexuality but also other areas, which is why many people seek in meditation, an ancient practice, a place to slow down the pace and become more aware of the present.

Mindfulness means paying attention and focusing on the NOW. It seeks to put into practice not judging yourself or others, to enjoy the simplest things, to free your mind from the stress of daily agitation. The goal is that during your sexual practice your mind does not think about your pending tasks or that photo you want to upload to social networks, NO! We want you to enjoy every second of your intimacy.

Here are my tips to help you get off autopilot and practice mindful sex:


This is what we look for in our sexual practice.

Start with YOU: focus on your body, your pleasure, rediscover your body. This way you will be able to connect better with others.

BREATHING control is very important, it is your tool to focus on the now. Activate your senses during your sexual encounter, connect to your body and that of your partner, without rushing, conscious of each sensation and movement. Remember, everything in our body is connected: by controlling your breathing you control your lungs, heart, sexual organs and brain, as well as the production of hormones that help us relax and make us happy (oxytocin).

Leave expectations and speed aside. Keep in mind that it's not just the end that matters. Even though orgasm is the moment of greatest climax, if you take your time to get there very connected and excited, it will be much more pleasurable and intense. It's not just about getting there quickly, but about savoring the whole journey. GET OUT OF AUTOMATIC MODE.


  • Mind control: more pleasurable orgasms and delayed ejaculations.
  • More physical pleasure
  • Connection and closeness with your partner
  • More interest in sex
  • More union and better intimacy


Girls, for a long time we were told that touching ourselves was bad, even from a very young age it discouraged us from getting to know our bodies. Now, things have changed and we understand the importance of feeling and getting to know our bodies. Excuses and shame are no longer valid, it is your duty to yourself to know more about yourself!

I'm going to tell you some of the benefits of masturbating so that you're encouraged to do it more often.

Less menstrual pain!

Masturbating during menstruation has the effect of reducing inflammation in the pelvic area and decreasing discomfort caused by menstruation. Isn't that great?


All women are different and are turned on by different things. Masturbating will allow you to discover what you like and how. This is vital for your personal satisfaction and for your relationship as a couple, as it will allow you to better communicate how and when you like to be touched.

Improves libido LIBIDO!

Yes, just as you read. Generating pleasure and orgasms creates excitement in our body and brain. The brain connections that are generated increase our desire.

Without leaving behind having more INTENSE orgasms, since it improves blood flow.

Do you want to sleep better?

Having an orgasm in bed after touching yourself will definitely help you sleep better. According to experts, by lowering stress levels and increasing estrogen, it is easier to reach REM sleep.

Feeling of Well-Being:

During masturbation, serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine are released, which leave us in a state of happiness and hormonal balance. This is very good for our mental, psychological and physical health. Who doesn't like to feel happy and sexually empowered?

Reduction of urinary tract infections:

Yes! Masturbation causes the release of vaginal fluids that contain bacteria, so by expelling them you reduce the possibility of contracting an infection.

Masturbation can help you learn what you like and don't like to do sexually. And if you decide to have sex with someone, you can learn what you want to do and what you don't.
