What is sexual orientation and gender identity? Pleasure Lab Guide – PLEASURE LAB LUBES

What is sexual orientation and gender identity?

Sexual orientation and gender identity are two important terms that are often confused. It is important for young adults to understand and respect these characteristics of LGBT+ people and create a more inclusive and tolerant society.

What is sexual orientation?

Sexual orientation refers to our attraction to other people based on their gender. Most people identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual, but sexual orientation is a spectrum that goes beyond these four categories and can change over time. It is important to understand that sexual orientation is not a choice and that people cannot change it.

What is heterosexuality?

Heterosexuality refers to a person's romantic and/or sexual attraction to people of the opposite gender. Most people identify as heterosexual.

What is homosexuality?

Homosexuality refers to a person's romantic and/or sexual attraction to people of the same gender. People who identify as homosexual can be men (gay) or women (lesbian).

What is bisexuality?

Bisexuality refers to a person's romantic and/or sexual attraction to people of more than one gender. People who identify as bisexual may experience romantic and/or sexual attraction to both men and women.

What is asexuality?

Asexuality refers to a lack of romantic and/or sexual attraction to either gender. People who identify as asexual may feel romantic attraction to other people, but do not feel sexual attraction.

What is gender identity?

Gender identity refers to how people identify and feel about their gender. Most people identify as either male or female, but some people identify as nonbinary, meaning they don't fully identify as male or female. It's important to respect each person's gender identity and use the pronoun and name they prefer.

What is male gender identity?

Male gender identity refers to how people identify and feel about being a man. People who identify as men may have different gender expressions and may identify as men in a variety of ways.

What is female gender identity?

Female gender identity refers to how people identify and feel about being a woman. People who identify as women may have different gender expressions and may identify as women in a variety of ways.

What is non-binary gender identity?

Nonbinary gender identity refers to how people identify and feel about their gender, but do not fully identify as male or female. Nonbinary people may identify as a combination of both genders, a different gender, or no gender at all.

Respecting people's sexual orientation and gender identity

It is important to respect and support people's sexual orientation and gender identity. We all have the right to be who we are without being judged or discriminated against. Society benefits from diversity and inclusion, and it is important for young adults to understand and respect different sexual orientations and gender identities.

We should always treat people with respect, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It is important to educate ourselves and better understand these characteristics to help create a more inclusive and tolerant society for all people.


Sexual orientation and gender identity are important characteristics that should be respected and supported. Most people identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual, but sexual orientation is a spectrum that goes beyond these categories. Gender identity refers to how people identify and feel about themselves in terms of gender and can include male, female, or non-binary identity. It is important to educate ourselves and better understand these characteristics in order to create a more inclusive and tolerant society for all people.
